How to Paddle Board: Glide and Explore

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How to Paddle Board: Glide and Explore


Have you ever stood by the edge of a serene lake, watched someone gliding smoothly over the water on a paddle board, and thought, “I wish I could do that!”? Well, guess what? You absolutely can! And I’m here to guide you through it. Paddle boarding isn’t just fun; it’s an experience. Let’s dive into this world together!

How to Paddle Board: Why Paddle Boarding?

There’s more to paddle boarding than just standing on a board. It’s a journey.

Health benefits

First and foremost, it’s an excellent full-body workout. Engaging your core, legs, arms, and back, paddle boarding helps improve balance, strength, and cardiovascular health. And the best part? You hardly feel like you’re working out!

Connection with nature

Beyond physical health, there’s a spiritual aspect. Imagine paddling in the midst of calm waters, only the sound of your paddle gently breaking the surface. It’s meditative, allowing you to connect with nature on a profound level.

How to Paddle Board: Exploring Locations

Once you’ve got the hang of paddle boarding, the real adventure begins: finding places to explore. Each location offers a unique experience. From the serene lakes reflecting the beauty of the sky to the vast oceans that make you feel a part of something much bigger, every paddle board session can be different.

Some enthusiasts chase sunrises, while others pursue sunsets. Coastal towns often have hidden gems where you can paddle along scenic routes, discovering small coves, marine life, or even ancient caves!

Always keep an eye out for local paddle boarding groups or tours; joining them can lead to discovering some breathtakingly beautiful hidden spots.

How to Paddle Board: The Community

how to paddle board community

One of the underrated joys of paddle boarding is the community. Across the globe, paddle boarders share a unique bond. They understand the peace that comes with being on the water and the thrill of catching a wave or exploring a new route.

Joining local paddle boarding groups not only provides opportunities for group excursions but also offers a platform for sharing experiences, tips, and stories. Whether you’re discussing the best gear, sharing your favorite spots, or recounting a particularly memorable session, the connections you make can last a lifetime.

Remember, every paddle boarder, no matter how experienced, started as a beginner once – and most are more than willing to share their wisdom with newcomers.

Top 5 Beginner Friendly Paddle Boards

  1. SereneLife Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board – This paddle board was praised for its stability, making it great for beginners. It also came with a complete kit including a manual air pump and an aluminum paddle.
  2. Atoll 11′ Foot Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board – Known for its durability, this board also had a generous weight limit. Many users liked its bungee design and additional D-rings for gear attachment.
  3. ROC Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards – This was popular because of its lightweight design and overall value. It often came with a kit that includes a paddle, hand pump, and backpack.
  4. Goplus Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board – A cost-effective option, the Goplus board was often picked by beginners for its non-slip deck and sturdy construction.
  5. iROCKER Cruiser Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board – Though a bit pricier, the iROCKER Cruiser was known for its stability, making it a favorite among beginners. Its wide design also made it suitable for a variety of water conditions.

Factors to consider

When selecting a board, consider your weight, skill level, and the type of waters you’ll be paddling in. Also, think about portability: do you want an inflatable or a solid board?

How to Paddle Board: Essential Gear


Your paddle is, quite literally, your driving force. Ensure it’s the right height—generally, it should be 6 to 10 inches taller than you.

Personal flotation device

Safety first, always! Even if you’re an excellent swimmer, wearing a personal flotation device is crucial.


A leash connects you to your board, ensuring it doesn’t drift away if you fall off. Especially vital in ocean waters with currents!

Steps to Start Paddle Boarding

Balancing on the board

It all begins with balance. Start by kneeling, then, when comfortable, rise to your feet, one foot at a time. Keep your feet parallel, hip-width apart.

Paddling techniques

Hold the paddle with both hands, shoulder-width apart. The blade’s angle should face away from you. Use your core for power, not just your arms!

How to Paddle Board: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Incorrect paddle grip

Remember the blade angle I mentioned? Many beginners face it the wrong way. Always ensure it’s facing away.

Not looking forward

It’s tempting to look at your feet, but always look ahead. It helps in maintaining a straight line and better balance.

How to Paddle Board: Safety Tips

Always check the weather before heading out. Be cautious of strong winds and currents. Inform someone when and where you’re paddle boarding and always paddle with a buddy if possible.

How to Paddle Board: Conclusion

Paddle boarding is more than a sport—it’s a lifestyle. It’s about the thrill of the glide, the connection with nature, and the joy of achieving something new. So, are you ready to take the plunge?


  1. Is paddle boarding difficult for beginners?
    • Not at all! With the right guidance and practice, it’s quite beginner-friendly.
  2. How long does it take to become proficient?
    • It varies from person to person, but with regular practice, you can become comfortable in a few sessions.
  3. Can children paddle board?
    • Absolutely! Just ensure they have the right-sized board and always wear a life jacket.
  4. Is an inflatable paddle board a good choice for a beginner?
    • Yes, they’re portable and durable, making them great for starters.
  5. How do I maintain my paddle board?
    • Rinse with fresh water after each use, avoid direct sunlight for prolonged periods, and store it in a cool, dry place.

Dylan Murphy

Through this blog, I aim to share my lifelong devotion to paddle boarding, kayaking, and canoeing. From in-depth reviews of the latest gear to product recommendations and guides crafted from years of experience, I hope to inspire and guide others on their own paddle journeys!

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